Velath bags contract from Archirodon for Design, Engineering, Fabrication & Supply of Heavy Steel Structures for Salt Dome, ADNOC project.
Velath – Engineering Innovation
Velath bags contract from Archirodon for Design, Engineering, Fabrication & Supply of Heavy Steel Structures for Salt Dome, ADNOC project.
Velath bags contract for end-user Lukoil for Turnkey Engineering and Construction of Storage Tanks ( 43 m dia x 14.7 m ht & 34m dia x 19.4 m ht) including all internals, skimmers & distributors for Produced Water Treatment & Water Injection (Phase 2) at West Qurna-2, Iraq
Velath bags contract from Schlumberger for Design, Engineering, Fabrication & Supply of Mud Gas separator
Velath bags contract from Total Energies for Design, Engineering, Fabrication & Supply of Coded vessels for Total Energies Associated Gas Upstream Phase 1 Project
Velath bags contract for end-user ADNOC for Design, Engineering, Fabrication & Supply of 8 nos. Of UL 142 Diesel Storage Tanks for HVDC Project, Hitachi Energy, ADNOC
Velath bags contract for end-user ADNOC for Design, Engineering, Fabrication & Supply of 7 nos. Of UL 142 Diesel Storage Tanks for Salt Dome project